Mongstad, refinery, statoil, linde, multiconsult


Mongstad Refinery Extension | Photo: Harald M. Valderhaug, Statoil


Mongstad Refinery Extension | Photo: Harald M. Valderhaug, Statoil


Refinery Extension - Gas Terminal

Over a period of more than ten years, Multiconsult and Noteby, members of the Multiconsult group, have participated in various phases of the Mongstad development.

Multiconsult was responsible, on behalf of Kværner for design of roads, water system, steel structures and concrete foundations for the Low Lead Gasoline Project in the early eighties.

Scope of work

As subcontractor to Linde AG, Multiconsult carried out the structural design of Process modules, buildings and foundations, and was engaged in site supervision.

Multiconsult has been responsible for all geotechnical investigations and site preparations in the Mongstad Development Project. In recent years Noteby has been engaged by Statoil for Investigation of foundation problems in connection with future expansions, ground water.

Construction of site was performed according to plan.

Services provided

  • Environmental engineering
  • Geology
  • Geotechnics
  • Landscaping
  • Roads
  • Water & sewage
  • Structural
  • Civil