
Photo: Hampus Lundgren

People policy

Empowered by our employees - We strive to have the most highly skilled employees in the industry, who always seek opportunities and are capable of inspiring our customers. We shall always have access to highly competent staff, and promote continuous training and development within a working environment based on diversity, high ethical standards, job satisfaction and commitment to our profession.

Our approach

  • We believe in the responsible employees who take ownership of their own development and use their personal qualities, professional expertise and commitment for the benefit of our customers, business partners, the company, colleagues, and society as a whole. Our culture of empowerment propels us towards a joint goal and brings together a team of motivating, organized and trustworthy, value creating and engaged employees

We undertake to

  • Recruit, retain and develop highly-skilled employees who conduct themselves in the right manner
  • Encourage and enable employees to perform and develop in accordance with their own ambitions and those of the company
  • Build an inclusive, value creating, safe and secure working environment that values consideration for others, transparency, good communication, flexibility and equal opportunities for everyone
  • Promote and embody our culture of empowerment in everything we do

How we work

  • We recruit employees with a strong sense of integrity who identify with our values, show initiative and take responsibility for their own performance and development
  • We invest in our employees’ skills and training, and we expect all parts of the company to constantly and systematically develop their individual and collective expertise
  • We believe in challenging people and set high standards of our employees. Together we set clear targets that will add value and ensure the personal and professional development of our employees
  • We understand the need for good cooperation and recognize that we all contribute and can learn from each other, across disciplines and geographic locations
  • We take a proactive, systematic and targeted approach to equal opportunity and diversity, and issues related to gender, age, ethnicity, sexual orientation or religious beliefs shall never limit an employee’s opportunity within the company
  • We focus on performance and personal conduct when rewarding and recognising our employees, and carry out annual performance appraisals
  • We provide a healthy, safe place to work, with high levels of job satisfaction and a committed workforce. We carry out regular employee surveys to ensure that we maintain and develop a working environment that meets our expectations
  • We believe in open, honest communication, and involve our employees in important decisions
  • We show flexibility if our employees’ needs change in response to different life phases, so they can continue working for us and contributing as much as they can