
Firewater-pipe installation in Sandviksvatn | Photo: Equinor


Firewater-pipe installation | Photo: Equinor


D1000 PE-flange | Photo: Equinor

Kårstø Integrity Project (KIP)

Firewater & Blow-down Improvement Project

The Kårstø processing plant in Nord-Rogaland in Norway, is the largest of its kind in Europe. The plant plays a key role in the transport and processing of gas and condensate/light oil from major sites on the Norwegian continental shelf.

Multiconsult have performed civil engineering for the Firewater and Blowdown Improvement (FBI) as part of Kårstø Integrity Project (KIP). The work has comprised detail engineering, follow-on engineering, site supervision assistance and procurement.

Scope of work

Multiconsult have performed civil engineering for the Firewater and Blowdown Improvement (FBI) as part of Kårstø Integrity Project (KIP). The FBI-project comprises the following two sub-projects:

FBI Firewater supply
The existing Firewater pump arrangement (sea water) has been replaced by a gravity supply system from Sandvikvatn (fresh water). A new pipeline has been installed from Sandvikvatn to Kårstø plant to tie into the existing firewater ring main.

FBI Firefighting
The existing firefighting system of Kårstø has been improved. Multiconsult has design the underground infrastructure and additional foundations for new ground monitors and deluge skids.

Our services

  • Bid preperation
  • Detail design of concrete structures
  • Detail design of underground infrastructure
  • Detail design of dam
  • Procurement of PE-pipes and-fittings
  • Authority handling towards NVE and local municipality
  • Site supervision