Multiconsult has a 40-year track record in the development of fixed and floating offshore installations for the oil and gas industry. We have designed concrete platforms on the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS), in Russia (Sakhalin) and in Newfoundland, Canada.
Multiconsult has been an important subsea engineering partner ever since subsea systems for deep-water fields became a successful concept. Our expertise on subsea foundations has become a global service. We provide engineering services for deep-water fields all over the world.
Multiconsult’s subsea engineering team comprises geotechnology experts on various types of foundations such as suction anchors, driven piles, mud mats and dimensioning of subsea structures such as templates and manifolds. Our speciality is interaction analyses of soil versus structure. Multiconsult has comprehensive knowledge and software tools needed for designing «tailored» technical and cost-effective solutions for subsea structures.
Topside structures and modules are also one of the engineering services areas offered by Multiconsult. We are experienced structural designers of decks and several types of modules and we possess expertise on HVAC systems, undertaking both design work and assisting with completion and testing. We also have noise and vibration experts who can offer offshore measurements and consultancy services.
Arctic engineering is a key service now that the oil companies are starting to look to the north. Multiconsult has a reputation as being a highly qualified expert on arctic and cold climates. Ice loads on floating and fixed structures ice-covered seas and sea spray ice on structures and vessels are some of the challenges that one faces in the far north. Our Arctic engineering experts have carried out studies on a whole range of floating structures, in areas which are exposed to harsh climatic conditions.
These services are some of the most profiled offshore engineering services that we provide to the global market.