NVE is responsible for the supervision of safety for dams and other waterway facilities. Part of this function is fulfilled by authorising technical managers. Technical managers ensure that investigations, calculations and plans are implemented and documented in accordance with the requirements set out in the dam safety regulations. Requirements are in place concerning formal expertise and relevant experience. The requirements differ with regard to consequence class and technical area.
– We have worked with a focus on achieving authorisation of young personnel. We have also succeeded in obtaining authorisation of significantly more employees by expanding Multiconsult’s energy environment through the formation of Norplan Hydropower Ltd and the acquisition of NTE Energiutvikling. Multiconsult is now the second largest actor in Norway within dam safety measured by this list. We now have 30 authorised technical managers, says Anders Gustav Pettersen, Head of Multiconsult’s Hydro-power section.
The relevant technical areas are: :
Technical area I – Concrete/brick dams with foundations
Technical area II – Reservoir embankments with foundations
Technical area III – Closing/drawing resources, pipes and traverse heading gates
Technical area IV – Flood hydrology
Technical area V – Hydraulics and flood diversion
The number of authorised people on the list is a reflection of Multiconsult’s expertise and capacity and shows that Multiconsult is a significant player within dam safety and watercourse technology and hydro-power in general in Norway.