Tanzaniania’s first hydropower plant Pangani was constructed in the 1930’s, and there was a pressing need for rehabilitation when Norplan in cooperation with IVO of Finland in 1989 was engaged to prepare a feasibility study for the upgrading. In 1991 Norplan/Ivo JV (Norplan lead) was awarded the contract for detailed design and construction supervision.
The new underground Pangani Falls power station with a 1, 5 km long unlined tunnel (40 m2), and installed capacity of 68 MW was completed in 1995.
Scope of work
Feasibility study incl. environmental and social impact assessment.
Water Management studies leading to establishment of the Panganai Basin Water office.
Detailed design, preparation of tender documents, procurement of all contracts and construction supervision.
Our services
- Technology transfer, including operational training
- Hydrological studies, design flood simulations and power production simulations
- Site investigations, drilling and seismological investigations
- Environmental and Socio-economic studies
- Project management, construction supervision
- Tender documents and detailed design, contract negotiations