The study is a part of the Nile Basin Initiative to conclude on the feasibility of the proposed Hydropower Sites of Mandaya and Beko-Abo. The projects are two of the 4 four main options for harnessing the energy potential of the Blue Nile.
Preliminary estimated size; Beko-Abo dam height 285 m, crest length 880 m and reservoir live storage 17,5 mill m3. Capacity 2000 MW, 12100 GWh annually. Mandaya dam height 200 m, crest length 1 400 m. and reservoir live storage 13 mill m3, Capacity 2000 MW and 12200 GWh annually. In addition to power production the project shall maximize flood control and provide regulated water for energy and irrigation purposes in Sudan and Egypt.
Scope of work
Carry out feasibility studies for the two large hydropower projects Beko-Abo and Mandaya on the Blue Nite.
Our services
- Feasibility Studies
- Pre-liminary ESIA