The E6 Frya–Vinstra project is a subproject of the E6 Biri-Otta section in the Gudbrandsdalen valley. This road is to be expanded to a two-lane highway with a central barrier and passing section. It mostly takes a new route, and will bypass the small towns of Hundorp, Harpefoss and Vinstra. The existing E18 is being converted to a local road. The route runs under Hundorp in a tunnel and crosses the Lågen river by the Harpe bridge.
This project covers the development of some 19 kilometres of the E6, including the Hundorp tunnel around 4.3 kilometres long. Roughly 10 kilometres of local roads will be built from about 20 structures, in addition to game fencing and local noise screens.
Construction work for the E6 Frya-Vinstra package started in 2013.
Scope of work
Design of the new E6 section with tunnel, bridge over the Lågen, parallel installation with the railway line in places and a new rail bridge. Multiconsult is responsible for all disciplines. The design work has been executed in 3D, with all discipline models incorporated in an integrated model.
The design work covers the E6, local roads, grade-separated intersections, in-line bridges, overpasses, culverts, noise screens, local noise abatement measures, landscaping, game fencing, lay-bys, geotechnical and geoengineering assessments, water and drainage systems, lighting, and technical outfitting of the tunnel.
Prosjektering av ny E6 med tunnel, bru over Lågen, stedvis nærføring til jernbanen og ny jernbanebru. Multiconsult er ansvarlig for alle fagområder. Prosjekteringen gjennomføres i 3D med sammenstilling av alle fagmodeller i en samordningsmodell. Prosjekteringen omfatter E6, lokalveier, toplans kryss, bruer i linja, overgangsbruer, kulverter, støyskjermer, lokale støytiltak, beplantning, viltgjerder, rasteplasser, geotekniske og ingeniørgeologiske vurderinger, VA-systemer, belysning og teknisk utrustning i tunnel.
Our services
- Construction plan
- Tender documents
- Description
- Phase plans
- Working drawings
- 3D model incorporating all disciplines
- Supervision during the construction phase