Multiconsult had three employees in the area, but they all escaped unhurt and have been brought to safety.
Two employees at the Energy section in Oslo are on a one-year FK Norway exchange with our partner Hydro-Consult Engineering Ltd in Kathmandu, and they were both in Nepal when the earthquake struck. In addition, one section manager was travelling in Nepal that week, but left the country three hours before the earthquake.
Close contact
Multiconsult’s two employees in the country are now in Kathmandu, where they are doing well, given the circumstances. They have stayed at the Norwegian embassy in Kathmandu for the past few nights.
Both HR and their line managers have been in close contact with them, and have helped to coordinate practical assistance where possible. The employees in question are now being offered ongoing support, as well as a debriefing and psychological first aid if they need it.
Want to help
The two employees in Nepal are using their time to help with the clearing-up process in Kathmandu. They have been offered the chance to return home, but have expressed a desire to stay in Kathmandu to help with the relief effort.
Multiconsult will also hold a collection for Nepal, starting on Wednesday 29 April, with both the Group and individual employees making contributions.
Support for family members
Through the FK Norway exchange programme, Multiconsult’s Energy section in Oslo has two Nepalese employees. They have made contact with their families, and have been able to confirm that they are safe. Our Nepalese employees are now receiving support from their line managers and other colleagues.
Multiconsult extends its deepest sympathy to the people of Nepal, and particularly to the victims of the earthquake and their families.
Multiconsult employees who are affected by the earthquake can contact HR for support.
Questions about Multiconsult’s work in the region should be directed to the head of the Energy section Anders Gustav Pettersen.