The E10/rv. 85 Tjeldsund–Gullesfjordbotn–Langvassbukt project is a large road project of a total of 82 kilometres, including new road, constructions, 22 bridges, 7 tunnels and upgrade of existing roads. When finished, this will improve road safety and shorten the trip distance by around 30 kilometres and reduce the travel time considerably. In addition, the design work will call for new ideas and development of more sustainable solutions.
This is the third PPP project in Norway involving Multiconsult as the designer and this confirm our strong position in the transportation marked in Norway.
The total value of the construction contract is estimated by the NPRA to about NOK 11.3 billion. Preparatory works are expected to start early in the summer of 2023 and the construction phase for the project is expected to last for a total of 5.5 years.