Multiconsult has been monitoring the situation closely over time and has taken measures continuously. Project execution and our deliveries have not been significantly affected so far. We seek good dialogue with customers and partners to be able to meet customer needs and priorities, given the current situation.
At the end of February, the Multiconsult Group initiated several measures to limit the spread. Below are some of the measures that have been implemented in the Multiconsult Group. New measures are being considered on a day to day basis:
- Employees are encouraged to work from home. IT-systems and IT-infrastructure are designed to allow employees to work from home.
- Comprehensive travel restrictions have been introduced in line with recommendations given by the authorities.
- All meetings and events with more than 15 people have been canceled.
- At our office locations, measures and advice for infection control have been implemented. This includes cleaning, hygienic measures and restrictions on the use of public rooms and restaurants.
- Digital meetings and cooperation are encouraged.
- Employees and managers are constantly informed about the situation and necessary measures via internal information channels.
- Travel restrictions and recommendations for infected employees or their family members