In this year’s session the participants will discuss challenges and solutions for planning and implementing Nature-based Solutions (NbS) to adapt to climate change. At the seminar the participants will discuss good practices for Nature-based Solutions as well as how to apply such approaches for a climate resilient future. The seminar will be using interactive digital tools to facilitate the discussion.
Multiconsult, Deltares, and WWF have gathered several key international experts on NbS with a range of diverse backgrounds and from different organizations. The event features a short keynote introduction, a panel debate with representatives from the selected water and natural resource management specialists, as well as interactive elements where participants are given the opportunity to actively engage and discuss challenges and innovative ideas.
”This year’s session event is really inspiring and at the heart of Multiconsult’s focus on water resources and climate change. We are also proud to have World Wildlife Fund and Deltares as co-hosts” says Mrs Gro Dyrnes, Vice President at Multiconsult.
The main goals for the session are:
- Raise awareness of supporting and limiting factors for climate adaption through NbS
- Improve the ability to integrate NbS best practices into projects
- Increase understanding among participants on how NbS can be integrated within water infrastructure and energy systems
- Appreciation of the importance of multi-stakeholder dialogue between organizations, governments, academia, consultants and other stakeholders to increase uptake on NbS
See more information about the session here
The session agenda:
WELCOME with Harm Duel, Deltares
KEYNOTE LECTURE with Jeff Opperman, WWF
PANEL DISCUSSION with Leif Birger Lillehammer – Multiconsult (moderator); Sanja Pokrajac – WWF; Margarita Caso Chávez – Coordinadora General de Adaptación al Cambio Climático, Mexico; Eileen Burke – World Bank; Ellis Penning – Deltares; Anna San Llorente Capdevila – Water Youth Network
About World Water Week
With more than 5000 participants and 400 sessions, the World Water Week is the world’s leading conference on global water issues. The conference attracts participants from all over the world coming from very different backgrounds: industry, consultants, researchers, public authorities, donors, banks, etc. and has been organized by Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) since 1991.
Multiconsult has been participating on this annual conference for several times both as audience and convenor. In 2018 Multiconsult, together with GIZ and Mekong River Commission, arranged a session in Stockholm on “Transboundary Cooperation for Sustainable Hydropower “which was well visited. Due to the current pandemic, the conference this year is going to be digital and Multiconsult is arranging a session on “Climate Change Adaptation Through Nature-based Solutions for Infrastructure” together with two other convenors: Deltares and World Wildlife Fund (WWF) on the 24th of august at 19 CET.
Word Water Week is strongly committed to inclusive dialogue, where all voices can be heard. That is why the Gold Standard was introduced in 2017. The sessions arranged by Multiconsult, Deltares and WWF have achieved this Gold Standard, having at least 40% of women among the speakers, at least one person under 35 and a format and design that actively encourage audience participation.