An important milestone
Tom Ødegaard, Senior Vice President, Sales and Market Energy, said “This is a significant milestone for Multiconsult. Our Kenyan presence will enable us to be closer to key clients and develop our business in the region. Our representative started working in January of this year and we have already submitted a number of Expressions of Interest and proposals.”
Mr. Fredrik Odhiambo Ogutu, will represent Multiconsult in Kenya as a Key Account Manager. His main role will be to liaison with clients and partners in Kenya and the region for the further development of business in East- and Southern Africa. Fredrik has extensive experience from business administration and management.
Fredrik recently attend business meetings with Multiconsult in Oslo including a two-day training course in Multiconsult`s ethical guidelines and anti-corruption system.
Renewable energy
-The initial focus of Multiconsult in Kenya will be the renewable energy sector. In the near future we hope to be able to become a key player in the Kenyan market, offering our full range of services to clients in the energy sector” says Tom.
For more information on Multiconsults operations in Kenya please contact, Tom Ødegaard, Senior Vice President, Sales and Market Energy.