The anti-corruption programme is anchored in Multiconsult’s Policy for anti-corruption, which builds on the Code of Conduct, government guidelines and best practice. The Policy describes our commitment to fight corruption, and defines the principles for managing corruption risk in Multiconsult.
The policy is operationalized through procedures and tools for assessing corruption risk and integrity due diligence of third-parties, which are integrated in the processes for sales and project execution,procurement and recruitment.
All Multiconsult’s employees receive anti-corruption training. The training programme, in which dilemma training is an important part, shall give our employees practice in recognizing corruption risk and situations that can jeopardize integrity and independence. The programme shall provide the employee with knowledge about Multiconsult’s guidelines and policies, the background for these policies and how to deal with potential misconduct.
The training in Multiconsult’s anti-corruption programme spans from what corruption is and where it may occur to what each employee can do to identify and manage ethical dilemmas in general and corruption risk specifically. Multiconsult’s employees receive training in the use of tools and methods for assessment of corruption risk in bid-tender processes and projects. This training has a specific focus on determining the necessary mitigating control activities.
Furthermore, Multiconsult has created a handbook for anti-corruption, a guide to our employees in their daily work and a reminder about situations where they may need to think twice.
The anti-corruption programme is managed by the Group Compliance Officer. In accordance with Multiconsult’s procedures for reporting and handling of possible misconduct, Group Compliance Officer is the authority where employees or others can seek advice and report potential breach of our Code of Conduct.