
Rwimi Hydropower project, GET FiT Uganda | Photo: Jan Ohlenbusch


Soroti Installation from GET FiT Uganda | Photo: Multiconsult


From the GET FiT Uganda project | Photo: Multiconsult

Renewable Energy Tender Services

Well-designed tenders reduce risks for investors while keeping the procuring entity in the driver’s seat. Multiconsults renewable energy advisors are experienced and dedicated with the full range of expertise and tools at their disposal for effective and smooth implementation of your tender.

Multiconsult can turn your goal of competitive procurement and a successful price outcome into a reality, while ensuring legal, technical and E&S compliance. We guide our clients through the maze of processes, requirements, market expectations and international best-practice. Our team knows how to navigate tender challenges such as incomplete regulatory and contractual frameworks, tight time-frames, need for well-targeted qualification criteria, attracting bidders in light of high transaction costs, risks of speculative bidding, and the implications that tender design has on implementation and supervision.

Multiconsult offers ad-hoc services to assist governments and companies succeed in their procurement strategies, meeting the specific needs of the client. With a thorough understanding of market dynamics, tender design and price drivers, our services increase the likelihood of successful tendering.